i wrote a little quip for a new book coming out (by David Kinnaman...check him out!) here is a preview of what might be in the upcoming text (still workingn on revisions and such, im sure):
Throughout scripture, prophets have preached counter-cultural, and sometimes counter-traditional messages, usually upsetting both secular and church leaders. These prophets saw past the human corruption and dug to the scriptural and moral roots of their faith. They simply begged people to return to the way of God and be good to each other. Young people are the prophets of today. Able to see both the secular world and the church as outsiders, our critiques can find the holes in teachings, hypocrisies, and inefficiencies.
Young people often have a save the world mindset. While we might be extremely idealistic, we also have a great ability to get things done. In a world of instant gratification, we are not satisfied with letting the injustices of the world work themselves out over time, but want to do something to help. Now. Neither are we satisfied with easy answers or sugar-coated truths. We need to explore the world and how we fit into it for ourselves, to challenge the rules and systems already in place, and to have our findings listened to and respected.
This is not to say that we young people have all the answers; far from it. Our idealism can be naïve at times, and our goals can be fickle and short lived. We need mentors, guides, and role models to whom we can bring our successes and failures and be comforted, applauded, and, most importantly, led into reflection, all without feeling judged or inferior.
We have infinite choices to look to for these mentors: millions of people throughout the world—all instantly accessible and preaching their own slice of the truth. Overwhelmed with decisions, we are not necessarily enamored by tradition, nor swayed by the promise (or threat) of salvation. In a world more diverse and connected than ever before, we see salvation in the faces of others, and we seek those who treat others well and who—like us—are working to make an immediate and permanent difference by fostering a mutual respect with all.
The flight of young people from our churches should encourage us to examine what we are doing to make sure that we have pure intentions and that we are working to the best of our ability. Young people recognize the ability to get things done, and seek those who listen to the word of the Lord.