Tuesday, April 5, 2011

the nuts and bolts of young adult ministry

Last week, the Louisville Archdiocese had the wonderful privilege of hosting Paul Jarzembowski of the National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association for several workshops focused on ministering to 18-39 year olds.  I took some (very rough) notes which I am reporting to my staff (in hopes they'll start taking some to heart), and thought I could share with all of you as well.  If you would like any more info. or for information on having a speaker from NCYAMA come to your parish/diocese/organization (doesn't have to be a church!), hit them up for sure (this doesn't do justice to the fantastic, inspirational and dynamic presentations in the least.).

twitter: @ncyama

The Nuts and Bolts of Young Adult Ministry

presented by the National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association (NCYAMA), which exists to help and resource anyone who works with young adults (that’s everyone in a parish!)

I. Initial Concerns
            A. Diversity: “young adult” is a frustrating term because it includes such a wide variety of life situations.  All 18-39 year olds do not have the same needs.
            B. Four Unifying Characteristics
                        1. Transitional
                                    a. many “firsts”: first job, first apartment, first baby, etc.
                                    b. lack of stability: many jobs in short amount of time,  frequent moves
                                    c. always thinking of next thing
                                    d. average 7 jobs between 18-35
                        2. Mobile
                                    a. global access, think multinational corporations
                                    b. always active
                                    c. socially networked=new definition of “community”
                        3. Digital
                                    a. technologically conscious
                                    b. google speed, can have instant access to information
                                    c. wiki generation: we can all contribute
                                    d. expect to be accessed as well as access
                                    e. interactive
                        4. Absent
                                    a. 26% of Millenials not connected whatsoever
                                    b. only 15%-17% active young adult Catholics
II. What’s Working with the 85%
            A. Moments of Return
                        1. Family oriented holidays: Christmas, Easter
                        2. Sacraments for oneself/family: weddings, baptisms
                        3. Sacraments of friends: others’ weddings, baptisms, funerals
                        4. Lent and Ash Wednesday 
                                   a. 61% of millenials abstain from meat during Lent
                                   b. 50% of Millennials receive ashes on Ash Wednesday
III. Why Does It Work?
            A. Catholic Tradition
                        1. Catholic subconscious/imagination/identity
                        2. parents & family relationships
                        3. experience rather than education, easy to understand
                        4. youth and campus ministry
            B. Refuge and Rest
                        1. more young adults are unemployed/in poverty than since Great Depression
                        2. career loss and tinkering is stressful and causes unrest
                        3.  it is a time to let go and abstain
                        4. during Lent the Church is welcoming “come to me and I will give you rest”
            C. They like Jesus
                        1. profound prophetic and historical figure
                        2. he was Spiritual but not Religious
                        3. Christian/Spiritual values
                        4. No condemnation
                        5. like Jesus, not Church rules
IV. Best Practices for the 85%
            A. Capitalizing on Lent/Ash Wednesday
            B. Pastoral Care
            C.  Spirituality Programs
                        1. Spiritual Direction or Companionship
            D. Ministry Pathways
                        1. Invite people to participate in ministries already present in the Church
            E. Targeted Outreach
                        1. Have programs for a narrowed down audience, not just “young adults”
                        2. Target demographics, such as college students or a budgeting workshop
            F. Technology and media
V. Active Young Adults (15%)
            A. Silent Yet Willing
                        1. need to be noticed
                        2. less proactive: need to be asked very directly
                        3. usually willing to participate if asked
            B. Seeking Answers and Meaning
                        1. insatiable curiosity
                        2. want apologetics, fine details
                        3. top questions: basic cath. beliefs, Mass, sacraments, Mary & the Saints, reading                    the Bible, other religions, social teachings
            C. Catholic ≠ Parochial
                        1. Church shopping
                        2. Catholicism is Global!
                        3. Starbucks model: can go to different Starbucks locations, still Starbucks loyal
                        4. movements rather than parishes
                        5. collaborative efforts with other parishes/organizations
VI. Best Practices for the 15% and beyond
            A. Preferential option in parish leadership
                        1. Empowering young adults to tell us what they need from the Church
                        2. visibility makes the environment more welcoming for other young adults
                        3. many yas are in transition and won’t wait for 3 year requisite to be on council
            B. Service, volunteer, and justice opportunities
                        1. young adults really identify with this aspect of Church
                        2. advertise other ministries as service
            C. Vocation discernment
                        1. not necessarily ordained
                        2. help thinking about the future and goals
            D.  Young Adult Catechesis
                        1. can be young adult specific by talking about certain topics
                        2. keep specific
                        3. also make current programs young adult friendly; don’t reinvent the wheel
            E. Multi-parish clusters
VII. The Catholic Response to Young Adults: Sons and Daughters of the Light
            A. Developing Catholic Outreach Efforts
                        1. Peer Evangelization Team: look for popular, dynamic, Alpha Dog types
                        2. Market Creatively: one step marketing, technology!
                        3. Technology and Social Media
                                    a. blogs
                                    b. links to blogs on social networks (Facebook, Twitter)
                                    c. DON’T UNDERESTIMATE VIRTUAL MINISTRY
                                    d. actively comment on fb, twitter=pastoral care
                                    e. what would Jesus tweet?
                        4. Moments of Return
                                    a. Lent/Ash Wednesday
                                    b. greet and direct newcomers at funerals, etc.
                                    c. show how welcoming Church is
                                    d. use teaching moments, such as wedding rehearsals
                                    e. reach out to guests, not just those receiving sacraments
                        5. Integrate social culture
                                    a. American secular culture is a culture just like a foreign culture
                                    b. think of perspective: to the Church, a cohabitating couple may be too                                                 worldly, but to their friends, getting married in the Church might be                                             ridiculously conservative and old fashioned.
                                    c. accept and foster baby steps
                        6. Tap into Youth and Campus Ministry Pathways
                        7. Parents of Young Adults
                                    a. minister to parents
                                    b. help parents be compassionate and affirming to young adults
                                    c. a good place to look for funding
                        8. Targeted Outreach
                        9. Young Adult Oriented Youth Ministry
                                    a. role models
                                    b. prepare them for what comes next
                                    c. young adult ministry fair
            B. Parish Integration and Pastoral Strategies
                        1. Host parish summit on young adults
                        2. Parishioner Awareness of Young Adults/Issues
                        3. Welcoming and Hospitality
                                    a. young adults want older role models, but have to be in touch w/culture
                                    b. accept where people are and work from there
                        4. Enhancing/Adjusting Existing Programs to be more YA friendly
                        5. Visible Leadership Roles
                        6. Assess Pastoral Care
                                    a. young adults need pastoral care, too
                                    b. break-ups, job losses, growing up, etc in addition to all other situations
                        7. Develop Support Programs for Transitional Times
                        8. Personally invite the quiet
                                    a. Young Adult Ministry is not a silo
                                    b. all areas of ministry should invite young adults to participate
                        9. Be conscious of the suffering young adults in the midst of the parish
                        10. Offer Spiritual Direction/Companionship
            C. Implementation, Execution, and Funding
                        1. Intentionally lay out vision and strategies
                                    a. research enculturation
                                    b. a missionary effort
                                    c. not separate from vision of the parish, but integrated
                        2. Build Alpha Dog Team
                                    a. ask people to do certain tasks with specific timeline
                                    b. not only young adults minister to young adults
                        3. Go beyond the parish walls
                                    a. ministry is not a 9-5 office job
                                    b. your welcoming/hospitality/acceptance represents the church
                        4. YA Ministry ≠ YA Minister’s job
                                    a. any ministry that touches YAs is YA ministry
                                    b. YAs should be involved in all ministries of the Church
                                    c. it is the parish’s job to minister to and be YA friendly
                        5. allocate your funds based on % of potential outreach
                                    a. missionary effort, not based on current numbers
                                    b. charge a little for programs
                                    c. get parish donors
                                    d. parents of YAs are a good group to ask
                                    e. share resources with other ministries/parishies
                                    f. grants
                                    g. fundraise
                        6. Call forth gifts from Parish Roster and Young Adults
                                    a. look to parishioners for presentation topics (i.e. financial planning, etc.)
                                    b. donations from parishioner/YA workplaces
                        7. Have patience, don’t break
                        8. Keep focus on the Mission, not the #s
                                    a. know when to let a particular event/activity/method die
                                    b. wholistic, not just wine and cheesers, but MINISTRY
                        9. Evaluate, fix, and rise again

1 comment:

  1. I heard a similar presentation by Joan Weber! She is EXCELLENT! I don't care what people say we're out there and we are eager to learn/be involved/participate!
